30 multiple choice questions on data science for beginners

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  1. What is data science primarily concerned with?
    a) Collecting data
    b) Analyzing data
    c) Both a and b
    d) None of the above
  2. What is the first step in the data science process?
    a) Data cleaning
    b) Data visualization
    c) Data analysis
    d) Data collection
  3. Which programming language is commonly used for data analysis and visualization in data science?
    a) Java
    b) Python
    c) C++
    d) Ruby
  4. What is the term for finding patterns and insights in data?
    a) Data collection
    b) Data cleaning
    c) Data analysis
    d) Data visualization
  5. Which of the following is NOT a data type commonly used in data science?
    a) Numeric
    b) Boolean
    c) Text
    d) Sound
  6. What is the purpose of exploratory data analysis (EDA)?
    a) To create predictive models
    b) To summarize data
    c) To understand data and discover patterns
    d) To visualize data
  7. Which statistical measure describes the central tendency of a dataset?
    a) Standard deviation
    b) Median
    c) Range
    d) Variance
  8. What is the main goal of data preprocessing?
    a) To remove all data
    b) To prepare data for analysis
    c) To add noise to data
    d) To create more complex data
  9. What is the term for data that is missing in a dataset?
    a) Outliers
    b) Noise
    c) Null or missing values
    d) Data artifacts
  10. What is the process of converting categorical data into numerical values called?
    a) Categorical encoding
    b) Numerical transformation
    c) Data normalization
    d) Data scaling
  11. Which of the following is NOT a supervised learning algorithm?
    a) Linear regression
    b) K-means clustering
    c) Decision tree
    d) Support vector machine
  12. What is the primary goal of unsupervised learning?
    a) Classification
    b) Regression
    c) Clustering
    d) Feature engineering
  13. Which technique is used for reducing the dimensionality of data while preserving as much information as possible?
    a) Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
    b) Linear regression
    c) K-means clustering
    d) Decision trees
  14. Which data visualization type is best suited for showing the distribution of a single variable?
    a) Scatter plot
    b) Histogram
    c) Box plot
    d) Bar chart
  15. In a confusion matrix for a binary classification problem, what does “true positive” represent?
    a) Correctly predicted positive instances
    b) Incorrectly predicted positive instances
    c) Correctly predicted negative instances
    d) Incorrectly predicted negative instances
  16. What is overfitting in machine learning?
    a) When a model performs well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data
    b) When a model performs equally well on training and testing data
    c) When a model has too few parameters
    d) When a model is undertrained
  17. What is the purpose of regularization techniques in machine learning?
    a) To make the model fit the training data perfectly
    b) To reduce the complexity of a model and prevent overfitting
    c) To increase the variance of a model
    d) To decrease the bias of a model
  18. What is the ROC curve used to evaluate in machine learning?
    a) Model accuracy
    b) Model bias
    c) Model variance
    d) Model performance at different thresholds
  19. Which of the following is an example of a natural language processing (NLP) task?
    a) Image classification
    b) Speech recognition
    c) Sentiment analysis
    d) Regression analysis
  20. What is the purpose of a decision tree in machine learning?
    a) To perform clustering
    b) To make predictions or classifications
    c) To reduce the dimensionality of data
    d) To visualize data
  21. Which library is commonly used for deep learning in Python?
    a) Scikit-learn
    b) Matplotlib
    c) TensorFlow
    d) NumPy
  22. What is the term for a subset of data that is used for model evaluation but not for training?
    a) Validation set
    b) Test set
    c) Training set
    d) Feature set
  23. Which of the following is NOT a step in the CRISP-DM data mining process?
    a) Data collection
    b) Model deployment
    c) Data visualization
    d) Data preprocessing
  24. What is the objective of a k-fold cross-validation technique in machine learning?
    a) To train multiple models with different parameters
    b) To divide data into k equal-sized subsets for training and testing
    c) To increase model complexity
    d) To reduce model interpretability
  25. What is the main advantage of using ensemble methods in machine learning?
    a) They are faster to train
    b) They are simpler to implement
    c) They often improve model performance
    d) They require less data
  26. Which of the following is a commonly used algorithm for recommendation systems?
    a) K-means clustering
    b) Decision tree
    c) Naive Bayes
    d) Collaborative filtering
  27. What is a data warehouse used for in data science?
    a) Storing and managing large volumes of data
    b) Performing real-time data analysis
    c) Collecting data from external sources
    d) Visualizing data
  28. What is the goal of feature engineering in machine learning?
    a) To create new data
    b) To select the most relevant features for a model
    c) To increase the dimensionality of data
    d) To reduce the amount of data
  29. What is the purpose of the term “bias” in machine learning?
    a) To introduce randomness into the model
    b) To reduce model accuracy
    c) To make the model more flexible
    d) To control systematic errors in predictions
  30. In a time series analysis, what is a lag?
    a) A gap between data points
    b) A time delay between two variables
    c) A seasonality factor
    d) A statistical error term


  1. c) Both a and b
  2. d) Data collection
  3. b) Python
  4. c) Data analysis
  5. d) Sound
  6. c) To understand data and discover patterns
  7. b) Median
  8. b) To prepare data for analysis
  9. c) Null or missing values
  10. a) Categorical encoding
  11. b) K-means clustering
  12. c) Clustering
  13. a) Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  14. b) Histogram
  15. a) Correctly predicted positive instances
  16. a) When a model performs well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data
  17. b) To reduce the complexity of a model and prevent overfitting
  18. d) Model performance at different thresholds
  19. c) Sentiment analysis
  20. b) To make predictions or classifications
  21. c) TensorFlow
  22. a) Validation set
  23. c) Data visualization
  24. b) To divide data into k equal-sized subsets for training and testing
  25. c) They often improve model performance
  26. d) Collaborative filtering
  27. a) Storing and managing large volumes of data
  28. b) To select the most relevant features for a model
  29. d) To control systematic errors in predictions
  30. b) A time delay between two variables

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