8 Most Successful Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers

Social media marketing is one of the best methods to fetch more traffic onto your blog posts. If you have written a blog post & published, that won’t guarantee to get the visitors on its own.

You should promote it in the right manner so that it reaches the right audience. Social Media Planning Tools play a major role in Social Media marketing to get huge blog traffic.

Consider reading 10 Extremely Simple Ways How To Boost Blog Traffic

What is Social Media Planning?

It is to automate the post-planning onto your social media accounts. Instead of you to manually share the posts on to each social media accounts separately, you can share or plan to share from a single place.

You can also plan the sharing in bulk and you can plan the posts even before months.

Why Social Media Planning is important?

You must have written the great content and published but will it earn viewers it-self? That happens definitely but when you are turned, pro blogger. Pro blogger is someone who expert in a given subject, delivers ultimate content that helps readers, and most importantly having a lot of following.

These are all qualities that won’t come just like that and it takes some time.

Apart from writing content, you need to know about applying SEO strategies, sharing the blog post, and how to do social media marketing.

Social media marketing is not just about sharing the blog post on to ‘n’ number of social accounts. It will be with some strategy on when to share, what to share, how to share, how much to share, and with whom to share.

As a blogger, you must be knowing that social media is a powerful tool for growing your online business. And it also helps you to drive the traffic to your blogging website, keep your followers in the loop.

This Social Media Planning is required because of a few basic reasons as below

  • As we don’t have enough time to plan the social media content share because we would be busy writing content
  • Because we can fetch the analytics to find out the best post to share based on the popularity so that we can be aligned to the same next time
  • Because we get to know the best timing to share the post onto social media account
  • Because we get to know which social media account suites for your business and which social media account driving more traffic

Best way to do Social Media Planning?

Any strategy can give the best results only when it gets executed in the right way. You should plan the social media sharing in such a way so that you get more clicks, more followership, and more reshares organically.

The fact is that everyone doing the same SMM in a better way, hence, excellent social media management is a must. You can’t just open any social media account and post some updates to make the most of the traffic from social media.

Followers on social media are more important in getting the post-viral very quickly. With the greater number of followers, you can expect more shares/views in less time. Of course, followers count having less importance on a few social media sites like Pinterest.  But on other social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, you can see more weightage given based on the number of followers.

Few tips on this subject as below

  • The best way is to use only 2-3 social media accounts in starting and see the performance. Then you can add new social media accounts based on the situation.
  • Do not plan too many posts in a day per social media account which looks spammy and your account may get blocked.
  • You should read the comments from readers on your posts and reply promptly.
  • Try to build the follower base which in turn gives you more page views.
  • Try to plan different types of posts per day. like status, questions, fill in the blocks, other’s posts, your posts.
  • Even if your planning tool allowed, better not to plan too many posts per day in starting.

How to choose the best social media management tool?

Selecting the best social media planning tools is a crucial step where you should consider all the vital factors. It is a waste of time/money in case you have the best plan to share the content but the selected tool doesn’t support your plan much.

On what basis you need to select the best SMM tool which best suits your requirements.

  1. Social networks support
    • Check what are all social accounts supported by the tool. This is because most of the tools won’t support more than 2 social accounts.
  2. User-friendly interface
    • This is an important aspect you need to verify. Because you can easily add the post and plan only when the user interface is very user friendly. Few tools are available on the internet which has great user-friendly UI with self-explanatory options given.
  3. Availability in various forms like chrome extension, android app, web, and/or apple store app.
    • Think about a scenario where you are on a long trip but you have to plan the sharing so that you don’t miss the consistency. If the selected tool also available in the form of a mobile app, it helps you to quickly plan the sharing on the go. Hence, while selecting a tool, you should also consider this.
  4. Free or paid tool
    • As an entry-level blogger, you might have some budget restrictions. Because blogging budget planning is a vital step that may blast the blogging goal in the middle of it if it goes in another way. There are many social media planning tools available on the internet. You may go with free variants in the initial phase and later move to the paid/premium tools.
  5. Unique values
    • If you have selected a tool to go with then what is special with that tool? If nothing unique that tool giving you when it compared with another available tool, then why you have selected that tool then? You should think and filter out all other tools to select the best SMM tool which gives some unique value.

What are all available best Social Media Planning Tools?


Buffer is one of the best social media management tools trusted by many of the brands and businesses to get the best engagement and results on social media.

Buffer helps you to schedule the content to publish across various social media platforms. You can create a posting schedule for each social network separately and add to queue posts to be shared at an ideal time.

Buffer is an excellent platform that offers incredible features for businesses with teams to manage. It offers complete and vital features for managing your social media streams in a better way.

Buffer allows you to easily manage multiple social media accounts and allowing you to customize post-times, and then schedule posts quickly with the help of queue.

Buffer helps you to schedule the content to publish across various social media platforms. You can create a posting schedule for each social network separately and add to queue posts to be shared at an ideal time.

Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers_Buffer

It offers below features on a high-level.

  • Publishing posts automatically
  • Team collaboration
  • Content Management
  • Support multiple accounts
  • Scheduling posts
  • Reporting/Analytics

You can check the Buffer social media planning tool price plans here.


Hootsuite is one of the most widely used social media management platform, millions of happy customers worldwide. It supports all major social networks and integrates with around 200 different business category applications.

You can see this as a single place to build customer relationships, analyze the market, and grow revenue.

Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers_Hootsuite

Many of us create several social media accounts but later finds it much difficult to keep them updated with regular posts. Hootsuite will help in such conditions to handle multiple social media accounts just from a single dashboard.

You can connect with your favorite social network accounts including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest.

The best part of it is, you can learn social media management and marketing with the help of free online courses offered by Hootsuite and get the certification done. And you can set the RSS feed option so that your latest blog posts will get auto shared

You can do multiple tasks by using Hootsuite tool which including             

  • Analytics
  • Scheduling posts
  • Automated Publishing
  • Contact Management
  • Content Management
  • Customer Targeting
  • Keyword Filtering

Hootsuite also offers a basic free price plan which allows us to integrate up to 3 social accounts.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social will help you to schedule the content on all your social accounts. You can easily monitor mentions and reply to them promptly.

Sprout Social is the best all-in-one social media management tool that helps you to do more with social media strategy. You can connect with your audiences even better and streamline the process of publishing posts.

Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers_Sprout Social

Sprout Social is one of the fantastic option for medium to large scale businesses with more social accounts per platform and more than one user within a social media management team. With social media accounts management, planning, posting, and reporting features, Sprout Social is one of the best options you can opt for.


CoSchedule Social Organizer is one of the social media management software which will help you to plan, publish, automate, and engage with the audience.

Social Organizer mainly provides few tools to you which helps in the below aspects.

Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers_CoSchedule

It helps you to reduce the daily repetitive work of social media planning. You can create templates for your social media schedule so that it would be easy to create and publish more messages in less time.

You can set the timing and template once and forget it. This tool will share messages perfectly at the right time so that increase reaches.

You can also monitor social conversations in one central location. You can even connect with your audience from there and increase the followers.

Another best thing is, you can get to see the reports which help you to improve further and update the strategy.

Providing a 14-day trial for basic and pro plans, you can see more on price plans here.


AgoraPulse is one of the oldest social media management tools that supports Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook groups.

Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers_AgoraPulse

It helps you to get the title, image from the post automatically and share the great content.

Agorapulse helps you to create different types of contests, monitor the results, and also can get the reports.

You can listen to and track your audience by setting up monitoring to track some keywords or hashtags and you can also categorize the audience.

The best part is, you can manage the responses on your posts in a single place and also can reply.

Based on the features available and pricing point of view, it’s best suitable for companies and institutions with a team of people who works for clients.


Sendible is the best all-in-one social media management tool. This can handle scheduling and managing posts for all your linked social media accounts. It also helps you in finding quality content for curating. You can monitor social media viral keywords or accounts.

The basic plan includes features like it allows up to 10 queues set up, helps to recycle evergreen content. You can set automatic RSS posting and also bulk scheduling of posts.

Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers_Sendible

This will give access to fetch the reports and to view social media analytics.

Sendible supports all major social networks or websites includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Tumblr.

It offers free trial also and you can see their price plan here.

Post Planner

Post Planner is a web app that helps you to manage and improve social media marketing strategy. It also helps you to find the best viral content to post. That is, you get access to the most viral posts on Facebook, Twitter, and also get a massive list of different status ideas.

This is the cloud-based social media marketing tool and assists you with content discovery, content scheduling, and performance tracking.

Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers_Post Planner

One of the cheapest social media marketing tools which come with all major basic features for every blogger.

With a basic price plan, you can integrate with 3 Social Media Accounts. It supports planning 30 posts per day and 300 posts in the queue. its content discovery engine is just awesome which will let you fetch the most viral content for sharing. It also helps you to recycle your viral content.

See the post planner social media planning tool price plan here.

Social Pilot

SocialPilot is the best tool to manage many of your social media accounts and in turn to improve your social media engagement. This is the best platform with an automated post scheduling feature and other unique features.

With a Professional plan, it supports up to 25 Social Media Accounts to integrate. It enables the analytics and reports and also comes with the bulk scheduling feature. It helps you to curate the most viral content and schedule the posts so that it helps you to get more engagement. You can set RSS feeds to auto-post your latest content.

Social Media Planning Tools For Bloggers_Social Pilot

All the price plans will come with 24 x 5 Support to helps you whenever stuck with any issue.


I hope you got one vital point that the importance of using the Social Media Management tool. So that you can get more reach, engagement, and easily manage your social media accounts. And it also allows you to create or curate the best content to post and go viral quickly.

And as you can see, the main ask for the best way of promotion of brands in social media is consistent posting and planning the content. adding to this, analytical data of your content can give you better ideas to improve the quality.

Understand the fact that, every specialized service will bind with cost, and not any tool will provide you all services at low/no cost.

Hence, you should choose the best social media planning tools wisely based on your requirement and budget.

You can comment here if you have any other best list of social media management tools for other fellow blogger’s benefit.

This Post Has 30 Comments

    1. bloggingonblog

      Thanks Ajit

  1. John G

    Great article guys. Bloggers could use some help with this. May I recommend RecurPost to be added to your list as it is one of the few social media management platforms that offer a generous free plan for bloggers.

    1. bloggingonblog

      Ok thanks

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